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Rich or powerful

All the people I know do something. They study, they create, they worry, they struggle. No matter what, they are occupied. Sadly I can't say the same thing about myself. Some time ago I thought, that I'm out of my slump. Ideas came to my mind, the world seemed kinda awesome and interesting, everything was running in the right direction. And it still is. Running. But not moving at all. The problem is, I only have ideas. The feeling that something has to be done. But it stops there. Nearly each day I end up thinking 'this is the day I'll get my ass out of my ass and DO IT' ('it' varies from day to day) but nothing happens. It's frustrating, as if I stopped in motion, a milisecond before taking the step. Could be an illness. If it is, then I'm really worried (and I kinda hate worrying about myself), because up to this day there has been no cure for stupidity. I'm writing all this, because it's one of these days. I got up, shaved and am feeling a...
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Of curves and logos

Horight, so, following a tutorial, I learned how to trace a 2d picture using curves and turn it into a 3d object. The curves aren't purrfect and there is no animation this but... there is some to come in the next project which will help me solidify what I learned in the tutorial. As for now, here is the result of my morning curve-struggles:


So, yesterday marks the 3rd day since the beginning of my little affair with 3d graphics. As of this moment, I can't really describe how much fun it is to make things move around. Naturally, I haven't been sitting idly after modeling a fairly ugly Danbo. What started as a wheel turned into a... well, tank-esque creation that can rotate it's turret and gun and some other parts. It's not much but the project was a big step-up in terms of complexity in comparison to the Danbo one and it felt really cool doing it. Anyway, see for yourself! So here are some WIP pics and in the end the animated video. The camera work is terrible but! the point was to add 'any' kind of camera work so it was a success on that part. The best thing about doing this was to learn what I actually have to learn next. You can only find out what you don't know by trying to do something and when you finally know, what you don't know (ok, this is starting to sound silly) you're on the...


I know it might sound crazy but I kinda got into 3d modelling recently. I have no idea whether this is only a trend or a beginning of a new hobby, still, it's frickin' amazing, at least for now :D. I'm having massive amounts of fun while figuring out how to do some crazy shit and though it looks immorally crappy at the moment, making things move or... well... COME TO LIFE, feels great ;). It's always cool to share such stuff so I'll be posting some links or image right here. Enjoy if possible! So, this is the very first thing I've done just yesterday after dl'ing Blender. IT FRICKIN' MOVES. And this is a wheel I made today, that will, hopefully, become a part of a tank in near future.

Last sunday

I don't really think there is a need to write about it but something is changing. Maybe it's just a feeling, a passing notion that will fade like a melancholic wish leaving only bitter aftertaste. Maybe. Maybe not. It's hard to express your feeling when you do not actually know what you're feeling. You only know that there IS something nagging you, wanting to push you in a direction and pull you out of the stagnation you've been slowly drowning in. So guess it might be a good feeling. Last sunday was... well, awesome. I spent the whole day listening to music, something I haven't done in months really. Music was slowly leeking out of my life, leaving me wondering what the hell is happening. I thought 'shit, there were times when the ONLY thing you did was listen to music, laying on the couch, doing nothing but listening'. It was sad, because, even if I'm no great musician, not an amateur even, music was something that defined my existence in my own un...


Od czasu do czasu dochodzę do wniosku, iz byłbym dobrym księciem. Nie wiem dlaczego ale moja rodzina od całkiem dawna uzywała słowa 'ksiązę', naturalnie jako zartu, próbując wprawić mnie w zakłopotanie. Naturalnie prawdziwy ksiąze nigdy nie okazuje zakłopotania, dlatego tez nigdy nie uczyniłem im tego honoru. Tym niemniej myśl ta trawi mnie od dawna, jestem oczywiście takim samym, szarym obywatelem, jak kazdy z was ale gdyby nadazyłaby się taka okazja byłbym z pewnością lepszym księciem niz ktokolwiek kogo znam. Dlaczego? To proste, w zyłach niektórych płynie błękit, nawet jeśli oni sami zafarbowali czerwień tym szlachetnym odcieniem.

is this supposed to be english?!

Horight, castnąłem dziś grę po angielsku. O ile mój akcent przypomina troszeczkę pocieranie deski o bardzo, bardzo chropowaty beton, o tyle sam flow nie był najgorszy. Przyznam szczerze, ze godziny wewnętrznych monologów prowadzonych w języku miłośników monarchii prawdopodobnie trochę mi pomogły. Wyprodukowanie contentu, który będzie nadawał się do publikacji zajmie mi pewnie jeszcze z kilka dobrych miesięcy, mam juz nawet plan na całkiem realny deadline ale póki co... póki co po prostu idę naprzód. Do tego mam spore problemy natury technicznej, mój kompuer najzwyczajniej w świecie miewa pewne obiekcje w kwestii dźwigania odpalonego sc2 oraz jakiegokolwiek programu do nagrywania. Nie jest jednak tragicznie i szczerze mówiąc mój komp (a raczej moja kompka, bo jak się okazało dzięki testowi keika na to jakim głosem mówi twój sprzęcior, moja ASUSka włada uroczym, niskim, kobiecym wokalem) i tak radzi sobie śpiewająco. That's all, iSuppose, powinienem mieć kolejne 5 repów do środy co ...