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Rich or powerful

All the people I know do something. They study, they create, they worry, they struggle. No matter what, they are occupied. Sadly I can't say the same thing about myself. Some time ago I thought, that I'm out of my slump. Ideas came to my mind, the world seemed kinda awesome and interesting, everything was running in the right direction. And it still is. Running. But not moving at all.

The problem is, I only have ideas. The feeling that something has to be done. But it stops there. Nearly each day I end up thinking 'this is the day I'll get my ass out of my ass and DO IT' ('it' varies from day to day) but nothing happens. It's frustrating, as if I stopped in motion, a milisecond before taking the step. Could be an illness. If it is, then I'm really worried (and I kinda hate worrying about myself), because up to this day there has been no cure for stupidity.

I'm writing all this, because it's one of these days. I got up, shaved and am feeling awesome. Will be leaving in an hour or so, got stuff to do (it's Christmas time, finally, still no snow but it'll come today, for sure). Thing is, while shaving, I noticed a complete lack of a destination in my life. No ultimate goal that would make the road leading to it meaningful. This is probably the reason I'm feeling lost. If I'd at least dream of becoming awfully rich or powerful...


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